thursday mornings at christ church

Every Thursday morning Christ Church Hall is open from 10am to 12 noon for local people. There are a number of different things you can join in with.
Come and enjoy the Place of Welcome Café, there are free hot drinks and light refreshments and the opportunity to get to know other local people.
This is a warm space-somewhere you can stay warm without incurring heating costs at home. Sometimes we offer an activity or craft.
Join the Food box club. For £1 annual membership and a £4 weekly fee you can purchase a box of food. The box usually contains a mixture of fruit and vegetables, protein, store cupboard ingredients, bread and dairy products. The value of the food if bought from the supermarket would be in the region of £15. This is a scheme available to everyone. It isn’t income related. It helps stop good food being sent to landfill and helps all of us to make our money go a bit further.
The Active well being society are present most weeks. They bring a ‘share shack’ which is a lending scheme for helpful items and equipment. Including gardening and DIY tools, children’s toys and sports equipment. Share Shacks – The Active Wellbeing Society
Throughout the month we host ‘pop up surgeries’ with the police and local neighbourhood advice co-ordinator.
The offer is changing all the time. Come and see what’s going on.